About Us

Meet Alegria Walk in Clinic’s Doctors & Medical Practitioner

Dr. Leena G Panicker DNP, APRN, FNP-C

Medical Director: Dr. Osuagwu Chukwuma M. D

We are also affiliated with these Medical Associations:
Texas Medical Board, Regulatory Agency
Texas Board of Nurse Practitioners

Occupational Title

Family Nurse Practitioner

Mission Statement

Providers at alegria family focus on providing outstanding and high quality affordable care to every individual regardless of creed, color, religious belief or socioeconomic status.

Alegria Family Clinic can conduct physicals, prescribe medications, facilitate laboratory services, and so much more. For anything to do with your health, you can count on our doctors and medical staff at the clinic to give you expedient, efficient patient care services.

Our clinic is staffed with allied health personnel and medical doctors who can be your source for valuable medical advice when you need it. Our goal is to keep you healthy in the best way we can. To do that, we consistently maintain the quality of our services, and when possible, we will provide you with the indispensable health information or resources that will allow you to keep yourself and your family healthy.